Tuesday, May 5, 2009


So. After last night's small out burst. It was tough, but as I was just laying in bed talking to God, I decided to give Cassie to God, it wasn't my problem anymore, it's in God's hands. Coincidentally, after over a week of silence, she txted me today. Basically, wanting to say hi, but she thinks that it's better for both of us if we don't talk. I asked her why and she said that she makes me worse. So I asked her to ignore my feelings, and I wanted to know "How do I make your life worse?" (direct quote). She didn't respond to that. Frankly, I don't care. God is in control now, I'll try my best to do everything in love, and God will do the rest. I don't need to worry about her, or anybody. As long as I'm doing my best to love every chance I get to everybody, things will be fine.

Anyways, that's just a little blip on the radar compared to the super awesome, exciting project of doom. (Sussy Zombie film). Created by Johney and Josh. They called me tonight and we spent over an hour discussing plot, character, specific shots, scenes, houses, actors, storyline. the whole deal. I am very impressed with the outcome and I'm VERY excited for the summer.

I don't really care about over-all plot. They can handle that crap and whatever. I just want to direct/ tweek every shot for perfection. I want to add the little things in the background, or come up with cool irrelevant scenes. The kinda stuff that makes a movie re-watchable, so that everytime you see it you notice something different, or you clue into something a little eariler based on subtle dialogue.

As long as this project is going, this summer is going to be nuckin futs.

Work is super chill and getting pretty sweet, part time will be really good later on.

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