Sunday, May 10, 2009

Already over pt. 2

Weekends seem to be turning into the bane of my existence. So much time to do nothing. Stuff just isn't as fun anymore, I don't know whats going on. Halo is still fun. I'm starting to think that the tournament might never come. It would be a nice distraction for a month or so, plus a fun weekend. I'm not counting on it though. Other then that, more stuff with Cassie, Details aren't gonna be provided, maybe I'll never talk to her again. But i don't believe that will happen, somehow she keeps comin up. I gave it my best shot, whatever. I see no logic.


  1. Seriously man, cut her off. These blogs are getting so depressing. You'll make progress, but then fall right back into ranting about her. Maybe i'm being too blunt. But stop it, seriously.

  2. Owen, You gotta cheer up man, when you get hit with life challenges and you gotta deal with it and become a better person as a result. adversity, trials and tribulations are something you can count on in life, how you deal with them is what separates the men from the mice, rise to the challenge, show no fear, let nothing bring you down, and most importantly be yourself, you have nothing to prove to anybody but yourself.
