Saturday, January 28, 2012

Smoke and Mirrors

I don't like the fact that people refuse to understand themselves. They listen to whatever nonconscious influences they have developed without knowing where they came from or what function they have.

Some people get distant when confronted with conflict, others get emotional, or fearful, or abusive. All these behaviors are adaptive and do not represent reality, but merely the defense mechanisms they learned to use. Yet, people treat them as truth. This becomes particularly frustrating when people tell you what they think is truth, and they're not lying per se. But, because they don't understand themselves, they don't know that they have been lying until someone has already been devastated, be it someone who cares for them or themselves.

I am guilty of this before and I am dearly sorry for any and all pain that I have caused others. I have always worked diligently to know myself, I may not have been successful, but I did the best I can.

I have this sinking feeling that this concept is going to end up hurting me very much soon. I want to believe people, and I do, so when the truth surprises both parties I take the fall harder because I trust completely, essentially gambling. The worst part is that I'm probably creating problems that never used to exist. My insecurities are my self-destruction.

I may not be that different from other people, but I think I know what I don't know, which is a lot more than most people can say. Hopefully, it brings me closer to the truth (whatever that means). I'm just a chauffeur and a tag-along, and I guess that would be okay if other people acknowledged it. But they tell me lies of grandeur, and I don't appreciate my hopes being crushed, because I believe their siren songs, at least for a little while.

I might not understand all that I say, but I know that I mean it.

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