Speaking of that rage fest, I talked to the professor about my 'concerns' about the grad student's grading methods. And, although I didn't want it to be about a grade change (because it's not) it seemed as if that's all he heard. He was fairly dismissive and didn't want to understand my point of view but keep the prof/student barrier in place. I was out of there in 60 seconds when I was expecting something more like a 5-10 minute conversation about my concerns.
The main focus of the dream revolved around this video game, but it was real at the same time. It's contradictory but I'll try and explain how it worked. The game was a giant sandbox style game about the ocean. The player was just some diver who had some sort of handheld device that allowed clear vision in the water as if it were mere air. This came in handy as sometimes the water would become so cloudy you couldn't see more than 6 inches in front of you.
The dream had a bunch of different characters, Jason was there for a short period, and I had conversations with Cole and Matt too. The next thing I remember is Inna is playing the game, but not really. Because we're both in the water in diving suits in super cloudy water, she's got the handheld vision device so I can't see anything. So we're swimming farther down for some reason when I ask to see whats going on. I take the device and look through it only to have a giant squid beak be the only thing in the lens as it lunges at me.
At this point I can't use any words that properly convey the terror that shook me. I immediately woke up and for the next couple hours, after I had gotten over the shock, I was 100% convinced this was a real game I owned. Not until later in the morning during my routine was I sure it was purely a dream. This is unusual because although the emotions of dreams have been known to stick with me for a little while, the distinction between reality and fantasy has always been perfectly clear seconds after I awake.
on a side note, holy fuck is the ocean a scary place, dream aside, there are so many things and ways to get murdered down there. And there's nothing you can do to stop it.